He does this for several tactical reasons: to continue operations as directed, to regain use of all his elements, or to give responsibility to a friendly element that can more effectively handle the enemy force. Exporting a Capture design to a PDF file requires access to a ghostscript converter. Leaders may detach small security elements from the main body to provide early warning by acting as an advance guard or as guides along a route. If necessary, the platoon can use a series of contact points, coordination points, or both, to enhance security during movement through the area. Physical contact (direct fire) with an enemy force or civilians. Military Law. (6) Herringbone Formation. Maintain contact and bypass. Create flashcards for FREE and quiz yourself with an interactive flipper. However, navigation, consolidation, and command and control are more difficult. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). When contact is made, the platoon executes battle drills, designated by SOP, to maintain freedom of maneuver and avoid becoming decisively engaged. (1) Visual Contact, Undetected by the Enemy. Leaders must focus information-gathering assets (GSR, TUAVs, human intelligence [HUMINT], and RSTA) to provide detailed enemy locations and intentions. What are the 8 forms of contact army? NO CHANGE B. devastating to feet! Traveling overwatch and bounding overwatch are most often executed at the section level. By knowing these details ahead of time, the platoon leader can develop the situation more rapidly and arrive at and execute the desired COA. The lead vehicle then bounds past the destroyed vehicle and establishes far-side security. The platoon leader decides whether to move as a platoon or as teams. In conducting both mounted and dismounted movement on the battlefield, the reconnaissance platoon uses three movement techniques: traveling, traveling overwatch, and bounding overwatch. (2) Multiple-Lane Infiltration. These lateral corridors pose a security threat to both the platoon and the other friendly elements. The platoon must keep an element in contact with the enemy unless specifically authorized to do otherwise. The six mounted reconnaissance platoon formations are line, wedge, column, staggered column, coil, and herringbone. (b) If detected by the enemy, the section or team uses a combination of mounted and dismounted reconnaissance. A series of combat actions, often conducted simultaneously, taken upon contact with the enemy to develop the situation. The advantages of moving as a platoon are faster movement and easier control and navigation. Figure 3-16. What are the 8 forms of contact Army? This formation uses the two-section organization. They look for any other signs of enemy activity or any enemy response to the destruction of the vehicle. What is a military retrograde operation? The dismounted platoon members make contact as the lead platoon vehicle is engaged. DINOCAVE -8 forms of contact: Direct, indirect, non-hostile, obstacles, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN), aircraft, visual, electronic (ADRP 3-90) DO-Decisive operation: The operation that directly accomplishes the mission. What are the eight forms of contact in the military. Dinocap is a contact fungicide used to control powdery mildew on many crops and is also used as a . The platoon is attacking separately or as part of a larger unit. The next overwatch position (the objective for the bounding element). Based on this evaluation and further guidance from higher, he can then maneuver the platoon out of contact and make contact either on his own terms or as directed by the commander. Fill out this form to tell us about a new person in the home. It may use mounted reconnaissance to move additional assets into the area to support the reconnaissance element in contact. The platoon leader must use all available optics and other assets, including GSR, to reconnoiter the open area and find a bypass, if applicable. During infiltration, the platoon uses predesignated routes to reach its objective without being detected and engaged by the enemy. It immediately sends a contact report informing higher headquarters that it has made visual contact with the enemy but is not being engaged. d. Regardless of which technique is used, the reconnaissance section leader gives the section an order explaining what each element will do. Open Areas. The platoon must be prepared to execute actions on contact under any of the following conditions: Whether the platoon remains undetected or is identified by enemy forces, it must first take actions to protect itself, find out what it is up against, and decide on a COA. However, he must not commit unneeded resources to an action that will detract from other reconnaissance tasks. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). In most cases, planning for an exfiltration operation begins at the same time as planning for the infiltration (or other tactical operation) that precedes it. Drivers turn off vehicle engines, and dismounted elements move to the edge of the wooded area to observe. (a) Deploy and Report. Exfiltration pickup points for dismounted personnel should be far enough away from the OP to ensure the enemy does not hear vehicle or helicopter noises. The commander approves or disapproves the recommended COA based on how it will affect the parent unit's mission. It stops inside the wood line, ensuring it is still within the shadow line of the woods. Should the platoon become decisively engaged, it must have a plan on how to break contact with the enemy. The reconnaissance platoon and its elements may need to exfiltrate during any tactical operation or situation. Contact with obstacles of enemy or unknown origin. What does Dinocave stand for? What are basic infantry tactics? This report is quickly followed by an initial spot report. Each vehicle has a particular position to occupy in the coil. (b) Evaluate the Situation. (1) Before moving across a large open area, the reconnaissance platoon must make a thorough visual scan of the area. To regain the use of all his assets, the platoon leader continues coordination to hand off contact to a follow-on element (Figure 3-15). (b) The leader must allow adequate time for each group to reach the rally point. Due to mission constraints, the platoon leader may have to leave one vehicle in contact. Purposes of infiltration include the following: c. Planning. Wooded areas provide a high degree of concealment to forces that occupy them, particularly infantry forces. Study now. Study MCCC Company Phase Exam flashcards. The infiltration plan must provide the platoon with enough time for preparation, rehearsal, and initial movement. Each method requires specific operational considerations, and each has tactical advantages and disadvantages. Ask a Lawyer. Groups on different routes may move using different methods of insertion or extraction (for example, one group moves by RVs, another group moves by helicopter, and another moves dismounted). What are the three forms of the defense? Many times the platoon must plan, rehearse, and execute a combination of mounted and dismounted movement. In all types of operations, contact occurs when an individual soldier, team, or section of the reconnaissance platoon encounters any situation that requires an active or passive response to the enemy. Do not rely totally on technology. The platoon should then practice this SOP as a drill so that correct execution of the coil becomes automatic. Once they finish, the platoon resumes movement using its chosen movement technique. Delays may result when groups must avoid enemy contact. Extraction by air or RV (ground) is favored when the resources are available and their use will not compromise the mission. Granted, barefoot running on manmade surfaces might be devastatingtofeet:people,\underline{\mathrm{devastating \ to \ feet: \ people,}}devastatingtofeet:people, after all, didn't spend 100,000 years adapting to run on blacktop and pavement. Coordination must include CSS activities, integration of communications, fires, passage lanes, C2, and battle handover. The reconnaissance platoon may select this COA when it does not have the resources to leave an element in contact and continue to accomplish its priority reconnaissance tasks. The trail element moves at variable speeds, providing continuous overwatch. The reconnaissance platoon employs movement techniques for a number of reasons (to minimize exposure, maintain freedom of movement, maximize available tactical options, and react effectively to contact). Bounding overwatch can be executed using one of the following bounding methods. Terrain considerations may also affect the choice of movement technique. The lead vehicle and the overwatch element occupy positions that allow them to observe the destroyed vehicle. ______Now he says that he doesnt take life for granted no more. His exfiltration plan should factor in additional time that the platoon may need to react to unforeseen circumstances, such as inadvertent contact with enemy forces or unexpected restrictive terrain. After determining that the commander's intent has not changed, the platoon leader recommends the COA to the commander and requests permission to execute. Exfiltration is removal of personnel or units from areas under enemy control using stealth, deception, surprise, or clandestine means. ART Conduct Actions on Contact Develop the situation once contact is made, concentrate combat power, and transition to a hasty attack or defense. (d) Execute the COA. He ensures that the COA is within the capabilities of the platoon, allows platoon members to continue the reconnaissance as quickly as possible, and supports the commander's concept of the operation. The section or team leader organizes a hasty reconnaissance patrol that attempts to move to the flank or rear of the enemy and observes the enemy position. The POSNAV enables mounted elements to use greater dispersion during movement without losing awareness of vehicle positions. The section or team leader sends a contact report and quickly engages and destroys the enemy vehicle. (2) The leader identifies adjacent units and creates additional graphic control measures as needed on his operations overlay. Platoon using traveling technique and staggered column formation. Reconnaissance vehicles are most vulnerable in wooded areas when they are stopped, so halts should be kept to a minimum. Just another site. Once the vehicles are inside the wood line (approximately 100 to 200 meters), the platoon shuts off vehicle engines, maintains dismounted security, and conducts a listening/security halt. These fires serve to suppress the enemy, reducing his ability to observe the reconnaissance platoon; they also fix the enemy's attention on the last known location of the mounted element. (3) When enemy contact is likely and the platoon must move across large open areas with limited cover and concealment, the platoon leader should consider using reconnaissance by indirect fire to provide additional security during movement. A reconnaissance section or team should deploy an OP when it is at risk of losing observation on a possible enemy approach route that no other element can cover. There are three major types of dismounted operations: local security tasks, OPs, and patrols. They use the POSNAV capabilities of the C3 subsystem as an enhancement to tactical navigation and not as a replacement. For example, when a section or team repeatedly misses mandatory radio contact, other elements must assume that the element has a communications problem, is in trouble, or both. This COA is appropriate when the reconnaissance platoon discovers enemy elements his higher commander wants to destroy but which it cannot destroy either because it lacks sufficient combat power or because it has other tasks to perform. As he moves along the prescribed route or axis of advance during execution, the leader navigates from waypoint to waypoint and reports locations using the waypoints as checkpoints or phase lines. They are organized using the four-step process. If the platoon concentrates, it risks losing its capability to complete its mission and jeopardizing its ability to conduct subsequent missions. (c) Maintain Contact and Bypass. To aid in the control of movement, the platoon should choose rally points for all infiltrations and exfiltrations. Soldiers infiltrate by multiple lanes when two or more infiltration lanes are found through the enemy defense (Figure 3-20). a. As the dismounted element maneuvers, it is supported by direct fire from the reconnaissance vehicles, by indirect fire called for by the OP, or by both. After the engagement is complete, he sends an initial spot report. It allows the platoon to cover the most ground systematically with maximum reconnaissance forward (Figure 3-3). The platoon should also develop SOPs for limited visibility marking to aid in command and control at night. All groups rehearse this procedure since no one knows which group will arrive first. In addition, it must avoid becoming vehicle-bound; it must be prepared to dismount to improve observation, prevent enemy detection, and provide security. Publicado en junio 16, 2022 por junio 16, 2022 por The purpose of tactical movement is to move units on the battlefield either to initiate contact with the enemy or to reach a destination when contact with the enemy along the way is possible.. 1 / 8. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). D. Click the card to flip . Dismounted traveling overwatch. Review the elements of a speech in the chart you created as you read. g. Actions on Contact. To establish communications relay capability for a specific period in support of other reconnaissance operations. Some are secure yet slow while others are faster but less secure. (1) During dismounted movement, the section leader allows the lead team to move along covered and concealed routes as long as it does not deviate too far from the axis, route, or direction of attack. Maintain contact with the enemy in accordance with mission. Infiltration plans always cover employment of indirect fires although the platoon uses them only in limited circumstances. Executing the four steps allows the platoon to accomplish its mission in accordance with reconnaissance fundamentals: (1) Deploy and Report. The battalion commander determines if the battalion moves along single or multiple infiltration lanes with forces in the infiltration lanes separated by space and time. The instructions below explain the first time setup that enables you to print a design or schematic to a PDF. Exposed sections or teams should maintain minimum silhouette in their vehicles because of the danger from close-in snipers and ambush. (f) Establish a Hasty Defense. (b) If the commander and the S2 have anticipated the enemy situation the reconnaissance platoon is reporting, they will already have addressed the contingency in the OPORD and given guidance to their subordinates on what COA the platoon should execute. The overwatching section or team provides suppressive fires, both indirect and direct (if necessary), to cover the movement of the displacing unit. Once they determine that the enemy in contact cannot influence them, they continue their mission with the platoon leader's approval. Navigation during limited visibility conditions is easier for the digitized platoon with the introduction of POSNAV and limited visibility equipment. Figure 3-7. However, the screen may display only a small portion of the platoon's area of operations. Since they do not have a clear idea of the size of the enemy, they react as if it is a superior force. Urban areas are ideal for effective ambush by small numbers of infantry. If the element makes visual contact but is not detected, it should continue the mission. The size of the elements within the reconnaissance platoon depends on several factors: the assigned mission, time available, cover and concealment, target acquisition capabilities of both friendly and enemy forces, available communications assets, and navigation capabilities and limitations. While attempting to develop the situation, the section or team may find that it cannot determine the exact enemy situation for a number of possible reasons to include obstacles, combat losses, suppressive fires by the enemy, or the size and extent of the enemy position. Position navigation (POSNAV) assists in land navigation but does not replace the need for basic navigational skills. What is area defense? Whether the platoon plans to exfiltrate on foot, by RV, or by air, it must conduct detailed planning to establish criteria for a passage of lines to minimize the chances of fratricide. (a) Disengage from Enemy Contact. The system features layered overlays that allow leaders to selectively post overlays based on the tactical situation. Indirect fire can also provide concealment, with smoke used alone or mixed with suppressive fires. (3) Choose and Recommend a COA and Maneuver the Force. I tend to look at the different types of platforms on a scale (Figure 1). Leaders and soldiers must remain proficient in using basic land navigation and terrain orientation skills. (3) Pickup Points. a. (c) When physical contact occurs, the reconnaissance platoon employs indirect and direct fires to suppress the enemy while maneuvering to get information. Choose an example of each element, and explain how it helps make the speech effective. METL Development The steps of attacking a strongpoint are: ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___> Recon Move to OBJ Isolate OBJ Attack to seize a foothold (4) Staggered Column Formation. Two-section platoon line formation. When the entire platoon or section has moved back to the rally point, it consolidates and reorganizes, reports its status to the higher headquarters, and continues the mission. The rear vehicles provide overwatch and command and control (Figure 3-4). The decision of which technique to use is based in large part on the likelihood of enemy contact; in general, this can be summarized as whether contact is not likely (traveling), possible (traveling overwatch), or expected (bounding overwatch). c. Urban Areas. Situations involving electronic warfare tactics. Movement is continuous, and interval and dispersion are maintained between sections as terrain and weather permit. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). The factors the reconnaissance platoon leader needs to consider addressing, such as moving more rapidly and employing greater stealth and security in the various terrains, will always be METT-TC dependent. The lead vehicle occupies the 12 o'clock position, and the other vehicles occupy the 3, 9, and 6 o'clock positions in accordance with the order of march. He ensures that he receives clear guidance from the commander before moving on to the execution step. Traveling overwatch is used when contact is possible but speed is desirable (Figures 3-10 and 3-11). It provides for immediate direct fire suppression on an enemy force that engages the bounding element with direct fire. (b) Evaluate and Develop the Situation. b. (a) Deploy and Report. (a) Alternate Bounds. What is platoon attack? (a) The reconnaissance section or team that makes initial visual contact with the enemy deploys to covered terrain that affords good observation and fields of fire.

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