By walking 10km a day, you can burn 800 calories, potentially more. Its an excellent way to improve your physical and mental health, well-being, and overall quality of life. ), Starting slow is a great idea, as you can gauge the level of fitness you are currently at, says Dr. Sulapas. Walking Goal: To walk for 30 minutes, with at least 20 continuous minutes at a brisk pace of 15 to 20 minutes per mile (3 to 4 mph).. Walking does not stimulate muscle and bone growth as effectively as other exercise options. There you have my general answer, but if you wanna know more details like how much weight can you lose and what are the benefits of walking 10km, keep reading. At this point, youre likely familiar with the benefits of walking and the methods you can use to incorporate walking into your routine. Krissy is the senior editor leading content for and The Healthy section of Readers Digest magazine. While you may initially notice improvements in your aerobic fitness, sooner or later youll need to either increase your speed until youre running or add some form of weight or other resistance to increase the intensity. If you live in a place like San Francisco or Seattle then you have nothing to worry about. 1. Most modern cities do have installed outdoor gyms or fitness parks where people can come in for free and use the equipment. Your body and mind will definitely be better for it. It also puts less pressure on your joints. Let's calculate how many steps you would be taking everyday. Required fields are marked *. Last medically reviewed on January 25, 2022. I was drinking around 500ml of water during 90-minute brisk walking. My calves felt like rocks and my lower back hurt. Walking 10 miles takes a substantial amount of time and does not provide the full range of stimuli needed for comprehensive fitness adaptations. So start with walking for 10 minutes after every meal.. Walking 10 miles burns 7001,200 calories and can help support weight loss goals. With type 2 . Additionally, if you can walk outside in nature or near trees, the air quality and overall experience might be better for you than grinding out 10 miles on urban sidewalks. Your best bet for weight loss is to combine your walks with dietary changes, ideally with the guidance of a registered dietitian or other qualified professional. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. You can also do some warm-up exercises at home before you take your first step. I tried this many times and it gets tedious. Fifty-five minutes of brisk walking per week, or less than 10 minutes per day, is significantly less exercise than the recommended 150 minutes per week of physical activity, yet this much walking had a positive effect on study participants who experienced osteoarthritis symptoms. All you need is to spend 5 minutes before and 10-15 minutes after. This equates to 75 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week, half the weekly 150 minutes recommended by the NHS. I get pain in the front of my legs when walking. Traditionally, it was thought that to lose 1 pound (0.45 kg), you must burn roughly 3,500 calories more than your intake. Is much better to choose a route with a combination of stairs, hills, a flat surface, and descending stairs. The following are just a few additional tips to help you stay consistent and avoid injuries during your walking program. I'm not saying this will work for everyone, but maybe instead of going too . Recently I came back from holidays and together with my wife we were walking over 10km a day with no gym and no dieting. The music that you want to listen to while walking will depend on your mood, time of the day, and personal preferences. Enhanced blood flow is going to improve recovery and help ease muscle soreness, she says. The greatest benefits were in those who walked 3 mph or faster ("brisk" or "very brisk" pace), but those walking 2.0-2.9 mph ("normal" pace) also saw a protective benefit compared with those not walking regularly. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. For example, in terms of progressive goal setting, working up to walking 10 miles per day could be better than working up to 2 hours of walking per day (3). Completing just 11 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each day can help lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and several cancers. This is especially important if you have any medical or orthopedic conditions that may limit your walking ability, says Dr. Sulapas. That will allow you to push a bit and then have some time to recover before pushing again. Finally, you can adjust the intensity and duration of your walk to fit your fitness level and goals. Muscle tone and weight loss (in overweight cases) may also be achieved through walking. Before walking, I recommend doing some dynamic stretches that will activate your sympathetic nervous system and make you ready for your workout. I think it should be part of your fitness routine, regardless if you want to torch extra fat or not. Walking is a go-to cardiovascular exercise for some good reasons. While high-intensity activity certainly has its place, so does the most basic, accessible form of exercise: walking. Walking is a simple and effective way to add exercise to your lifestyle. This way I feel looser, especially if Im walking uphill. Over time, try walking at that faster pace for longer, or adding more quick intervals more often. Does walking 10 hours do me any good? Our bodies are not meant to sit around all daythey are meant to move.. It makes sense. We evolved to walk with extreme efficiency. You can walk for exercise in many settings, both urban and rural. Additionally, incorporating balance and coordination training into a fitness plan will reduce the risk of falling, which is an important consideration for older adults. If youre doing it every day around the same route, it can get very boring quickly. Walking 10 km is a lot. Walking is also safe with one of the lowest exercise injury rates, according to a report by the US Department of Health and Human Services. You need to do a bit of workout, otherwise you'll get in a state of muscular atrophy. link to Best Peloton Walking Classes (And why you need them), link to Walking After Yoga (Everything you need to know), how to use a weighted vest for weight loss. Allow a minimum of 8 to 12 weeks to build up to regular running. Drink lots of water and make sure you dont become dehydrated. Walking is a simple yet effective cardio exercise that has a low risk of injury and costs little compared to a gym membership. These may look stylish at night out or during your beach break, but they wont work for your daily weight loss walking. Try to walk about every other day. More recent research shows that this 3,500-calorie rule may be a bit of an oversimplification, however. Derek Haight, Ph.D., a senior biomechanics researcher at Nike, said that uphill walking may be an appropriate exercise for obese individuals. Walking 10km a day will build up your muscle strength from your feet to your arms as you engage your whole body. In fact, research suggests that intermittent walking breaking up longer walks into shorter walks is as effective as longer continuous walks at improving health measures (6). Is walking in place good exercise? Walking is an effective and accessible way to add exercise to your life. One study have reported similar ergogenic effects of listening to music while walking. Muscle and bone loss is of particular concern for older adults. (Though the number of steps can vary depending on your stride and speed, one mile tends to be . I have over 20 different playlists for walking, depending on the mood and time of the day. For better results, I recommend adding extra resistance training and making it more challenging by adding hills and stairs to your routes. So, a faster pace will equate to more calories burned per hour but less total walking time. By Wendy Bumgardner But if youre training to walk a long race or taking a long hike over the weekend, heres what you can expect for calorie burn over those miles. Celebrate National Nutrition Month with 10 healthy buys Healthline editors are obsessed with. First few days I completely forgot about drinking water (rookie mistake). Walking is one of the most basic aerobic exercises out there, but that doesn't mean it's not effective at helping you tone your legs and trim the fat. Walking 10km a day can help you stay fit and help lose weight. One study investigated the effect of 12-week walking exercise on abdominal fat, insulin resistance, and serum cytokines in 20 obese women. Make sure you get enough sleep. For newer walkers, people who dont exercise often, and those who arent averagely fit, a 10km walk will take a couple of hours. Walking is already a form of warming up, so there are a few options here. Im not a shoe expert but I know from experience that losing weight from walking 10km a day wont happen overnight so I recommend you get yourself a pair of comfortable shoes. In general, walking 10km a day (which is 14,080 steps) is considered an exercise that has similar health benefits to the federally recommended 150 to 300 minutes per weekof moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee (PAGAC). Best Peloton Walking Classes (And why you need them). And walking is an ideal exercise for fat metabolism. On some days, we took it easy and walk less, whereas on other days we walk more (the record day was 28,321 steps, which is around 21.5km). Walking doesnt have to be intense, but if you want to challenge yourself a little more and get your heart rate higher, its easy to do. On the other hand, if youre feeling strong, adding 1.5 miles or more may be an appropriate challenge. Warming up the muscles is always a good idea before an exercise, says Dr. Sulapas. A run the day before your race helps improve blood flow to the muscles, which allows them to loosen up and delivers the nutrients and oxygen they will need for the intense running the next day. Not at all! Latoya Julce, a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor, agrees. People walk for transportation and for fun, relaxation, or exercise, or for other reasons. If you can comfortably walk a mile in 1520 minutes, add another mile to that walk. Walking distance can be a tricky concept for the average person. For me, music is almost like caffeine. Shin splints are pains in the lower leg caused by overuse of the muscles during exercise. However, if like me you prefer to train outside, you can try to find some places with an outdoor gym and use that together with your walking routine. Walking 10km a day is not bad. 1 While there is no absolute number of steps to achieve, most people do well with a goal of 10,000 or more daily steps. Walking 10,000 steps was just a market slogan and not science-backed. If you're very fat and/or out of shape, then walking is a great exercise to help with weight loss, along with a healthy diet. Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. The longer you exercise, the more health benefits you will gain. Additionally, walking can support a weight loss program, particularly when combined with dietary changes. A 10km walk takes between 90 minutes to 2 hours, which is a good workout time. And during the pandemic, its become an even more vital physical activity for many people. For example, I can walk 10 minutes upstairs without taking a break, whereas my wife starts huffing and puffing after a minute or two. Strength workouts are a good way to help increase your walking speed, as well as some interval training. It's week 3 and you guys voted for me to walk 10km a day for 7 days. Wendy Bumgardner is a freelance writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events. While its always good to do some stretches after a walk when you can, its not totally mandatory every time, says Stanten. Find out what a brisk walking pace is, how many calories you can burn, the technique to use, While running and walking are both good for your health, each has a few benefits over the other, depending on your personal goals. According to online calculators, you burn 2 extra calories for every extra pound that you wear. Walking on steep ground causes the heart rate to constantly increaseand, as a result, the metabolic rate and calorie burn increase as well. Calorie (Kcal) BMR x Mets / 24 x hour. Even if you can do only a single mile, following this program will have you walking the full 10 miles within 10 weeks. Walking 10 miles (16.1 km) a day is certainly a lofty goal (mostly because of the time involved), but if you can do it, your heart, brain, and whole body will thank you. But a 10km daily walk is a great way to burn calories and improve fitness. Walking is great for individuals who have been sedentary or [had] injuries, she says. Cardio exercises offer numerous health benefits, including: burning calories and fat for weight loss lowering cholesterol helping prevent or manage. Here i'll walk between 6 to 12 hours (usually 10) resulting in a distance walked of 10 to 35km. Experts recommend adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Better erectile function. So that's just what I did and it was much easier than I thought it would be!Please leave. Read our, How to Walk Faster: Form, Stride, and Building Speed, How Fast You Should Walk for Fitness and Weight Loss. LONDON - One in 10 early deaths could be prevented if everyone engaged in a small amount of daily exercise, such as a brisk 11-minute walk, a large study said on . The recommended walking distance per day is 5 miles. Walking at a steady pace at 60-70% of maximum heart rate (a pace where you can maintain a conversation) maximizes fat burn, is relatively easy, and is accessible to most people of all ages. Walking 10,000 steps a day will burn about 300 Kcal. Step 1 Set aside about one hour for walking four days a week. According to online calorie calculators, walking uphill with a 3% incline burns twice more calories as walking on a flat surface. The METS values are provided by "The Compendium of Physical Activities 2011". If you're unable to walk for longer periods of time, this . Walking is also a good exercise for practicing social distance, Dr. Sulapas says. If you have diabetes, walking can help lower your blood sugar and your weight. However, for busy people, spending 3 hours per day walking may not be realistic. Youre already in the habit of eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The buoyancy of the water supports your body and takes the strain off painful joints so you can move them more fluidly. Help keep your weight steady. I dont usually listen to audiobooks when walking because I find it hard to focus on the storyline while exercising (my wife can watch Netflix series while walking without any problems). When you believe in your ability to do [an exercise], youre more likely to stick with it, she adds. This is also equal to 10,000 steps. Yes: If you can walk independently and maintain a speed of 4-6 km/h (2.5-3.7 mph) for half an hour per day, then walking is sufficient exercise. Copyright 2023 Vidar - All rights reserved. Next, learn how easy it is to walk more steps per day. Even if its just five or 10 minutes at a time, thats great. However, walking faster will help you hit the 10-mile mark much sooner. Over time, when my body got used to it, I noticed that I can walk longer and I dont get so puffed when walking up the stairs. Sometimes finding the motivation to workout can be difficult because youfeel tired at the beginning of your workout. Despite its simplicity, walking can have a profound effect on your physical and mental health. You can burn even more calories by walking quicker or for more time. It is best to walk every day because daily walking allows the good effects to accumulate.

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